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Author notes and lists

We have compiled brief biographical notes and bibliographical checklists for Georgette Heyer, J. B. Priestley, Nevil Shute, Howard Spring, Dennis Wheatley, P. G. Wodehouse and Dornford Yates. Some are more comprehensive than others.

Bibliography is too technical a term for the checklists that follow each biographical note and certainly none is in any way intended to be the ultimate in bibliographies - they are provided as a guide and for amusement. We would be pleased to correct errors that are pointed out to us but please include the source of your information - it may be something that we have already found to be in error.

(Note: Over the passage of time this is something that happens - an error occurs, even something as simple as a spelling mistake, in a list that is referred to by others and those others then repeat the error until there are more occurrences of the mistake than there are of the original. The error then tends to be accepted as the correct entry.)



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