J. B. Priestley
John Boynton Priestley was born in Bradford, Yorkshire, England, 13th September 1894, the son of a schoolmaster.
Priestley inherited a 'public-spirited' socialism from his family and he later recalled a happy childhood. He had no memory of his mother who had died when he was 2 years old and who was of the 'clogs and shawls' working class but his step-mother had been 'kind, gentle and loving'. He did well at school and could have continued his education to a higher level. In 1909, however, his father decided that he should go into the predominant local industry, the wool trade, which was to provide much material for his later novels.
As a young man he was not terribly interested in his job but one of the privileges of employment with the wool company was free travel and he explored much of Europe. He was earning money and living in a progressive city, quite a cultural centre for the time and he spent his leisure hours walking the moors, attending concerts and writing. He also had several extra jobs, one as an unqualified teacher and another as a cultural correspondent for the Bradford Pioneer, a local Labour Party journal. This latter provided him with a press pass which gained him access to a variety of local entertainment.
This all came to a sudden end with WW1. He enlisted and served with local Duke of Wellington's West Riding regiment seeing service on the Western Front. After several minor wounds he was buried in a collapsed dugout and repatriated. He then spent some months in military hospitals and in convalescence before being commissioned and serving with the Devonshire regiment back on the Front.
After WW1 he took advantage of the demobilization terms to obtain a place at Trinity Hall, Cambridge and graduated in Modern History and Political Science. He moved to London with his wife, whom he had married in 1921, to become a reader with the publisher John Lane.
His wife presented him with two daughters but she developed cancer and died in 1925. Priestley was by now working freelance and already had a relationship with his second wife Jane Wyndham Lewis whom he married in 1926. They lived in Oxfordshire with JBP's two daughters by his first marriage, Jane's one and their joint offspring, another daughter.
Several books of essays and criticism had been published before his first novel, 'Adam in Moonshine', which appeared in 1927. This was followed by 'Benighted' later the same year and in 1929 he collaborated with Hugh Walpole to produce 'Farthing Hall' which is in the form of an exchange of letters. His first major success was 'The Good Companions' in 1929, a novel of a travelling concert party.
Further success with 'Angel Pavement' the following year (1930) made him finaclially independent after which he started writing for the theatre. There were several less successful novels over the next few years but the popularity of his play 'Dangerous Corner' in 1932 led to a run of several years writing for the theatre. He also managed to fit in a commission by Victor Gollancz to write an account of contemporary England which resulted in 'English Journey', 1934.
Priestley's output and popularity continued to grow producing several major novels, plays, a radio commission, 'Let the People Sing' (1939), as well as occasional essays of social criticism. His wartime broadcasts 'Postcripts' brought comfort to the nation in the darkest days of WW2 but probably his most successful medium immediately before and after the war was his plays in which he was constantly exploring his fascination with time.
In 1952 after 25 years of marriage but also a number of affairs, Priestley was divorced by his wife. He was at this stage involved with Jacquetta Hawkes, an archaeologist and travel writer and the wife of an eminent Professor of Archaeology at Oxford. A rather messy divorce followed citing Priestley as co-respondent and they were then married in 1953.
His marriage to Jacquetta Hawkes was probably his most successful and he continued to produce plays and novels including his personal favourite novel, The Image Men in 1968/9. He died at their home of Kissing Tree House, Warwickshire, on 14th August, 1984.
The following is a list of the UK works of J. B. Priestley in date order*, not a list of the books we are offering for sale. For the the titles we currently have in stock see here
* Having been unable to establish precise publication dates by day and month the works in the same year are in alphabetical order.
Original works
The Chapman of Rhymes First issue date: 1918 Genre/Series: Verse Publisher: Alexander Moring Ltd., London Notes:
Brief Diversions First issue date: 1922 Genre/Series: Miscellaneous Publisher: Bowes and Bowes, Cambridge Notes:
Papers from Lilliput First issue date: 1922 Genre/Series: Essays Publisher: Bowes and Bowes, Cambridge Notes:
1st edition
I for One First issue date: 1923 Genre/Series: Essays Publisher: The Bodley Head, London Notes:
Figures in Modern Literature First issue date: 1924 Genre/Series: Criticism Publisher: The Bodley Head, London Notes:
The English Comic Characters First issue date: 1925 Genre/Series: Criticism Publisher: The Bodley Head, London Notes: 1925 also issued in a limited edition of 70 signed by the author
Essays of To-day And Yesterday First issue date: 1926 Genre/Series: Essays Publisher: George G. Harrap and Co. Ltd., London Notes:
George Meredith First issue date: 1926 Genre/Series: Criticism Publisher: Macmillan and Co. Ltd., London Notes:
Talking: These Diversion First issue date: 1926 Genre/Series: Essays Publisher: Jarrolds, London Notes: 1926 also issued in a limited edition of 75 signed by the author
Adam in Moonshine First issue date: 1927 Genre/Series: Novel Publisher: William Heinemann Ltd., London Notes: The author's first novel
1935 reprint
Benighted First issue date: 1927 Genre/Series: Novel Publisher: William Heinemann Ltd., London Notes:
1930 Heinemann Windmill Library edition
Open House First issue date: 1927 Genre/Series: Essays Publisher: William Heinemann Ltd., London Notes:
1930 Heinemann Windmill Library edition
Playgoing: These Diversions First issue date: 1927 Genre/Series: Essays Publisher: Jarrolds, London Notes:
The English Novel First issue date: 1927 Genre/Series: Criticism Publisher: Ernest Benn Ltd., London Notes:
Thomas Love Peacock First issue date: 1927 Genre/Series: Criticism Publisher: Macmillan and Co., London Notes:
Apes and Angels - A Book of Essays First issue date: 1928 Genre/Series: Essays Publisher: Methuen and Co., London Notes:
English Humour First issue date: 1929 Genre/Series: Criticism Publisher: Longmans, Green and Co., London Notes:
1st edition
Farthing Hall (With Hugh Walpole) First issue date: 1929 Genre/Series: Novel Publisher: Macmillan and Co., London Notes: Jointly written with Hugh Walpole, takes the form of an exchange of letters.
The Balconinney and Other Essays First issue date: 1929 Genre/Series: Essays Publisher: Methuen and Co., London Notes: A further collection of essays
1st edition
The Good Companions First issue date: 1929 Genre/Series: Novel Publisher: William Heinemenn Ltd., London Notes: The major breakthrough for JBP - a novel of a group of travelling players
1st edition
Angel Pavement First issue date: 1930 Genre/Series: Novel Publisher: William Heinemenn Ltd., London Notes: 1930 also issued in limited edition of 1025 numbered and signed by the author
1st edition
The Town Major of Miracourt First issue date: 1930 Genre/Series: Short story Publisher: William Heinemann Ltd., London Notes: Published as a limited edition of 525 signed by author, in slipcase
Limited edition
Dangerous Corner First issue date: 1932 Genre/Series: Drama Publisher: William Heinemenn Ltd., London Notes: A time play
Faraway First issue date: 1932 Genre/Series: Novel Publisher: William Heinemenn Ltd., London Notes:
1936 reprint
I'll Tell You Everything (with Gerald Bullett) First issue date: 1932 Genre/Series: Novel Publisher: Macmillan and Co., London Notes:
Self-Selected Essays First issue date: 1932 Genre/Series: Essays Publisher: William Heinemenn Ltd., London Notes:
Albert Goes Through First issue date: 1933 Genre/Series: Novelette Publisher: William Heinemenn Ltd., London Notes: Illustrated by Edmund Blampied, dustwrapper by Edmund Blampied
1st edition
The Roundabout First issue date: 1933 Genre/Series: Drama Publisher: William Heinemenn Ltd., London Notes:
Wonder Hero First issue date: 1933 Genre/Series: Novel Publisher: William Heinemenn Ltd., London Notes: 1933 also issued in limited edition of 175 numbered and signed by the author
1st edition
Eden End First issue date: 1934 Genre/Series: Drama Publisher: William Heinemann Ltd., London Notes:
English Journey First issue date: 1934 Genre/Series: Travelogue Publisher: William Heinemann Ltd. / Victor Gollancz, London Notes: An contemporary account of a journey round England and an important piece of social history.
1937 Everyman's Edition
Laburnum Grove First issue date: 1934 Genre/Series: Drama Publisher: William Heinemenn Ltd., London Notes:
Cornelius First issue date: 1935 Genre/Series: Drama Publisher: William Heinemann Ltd., London Notes:
Duet in Floodlight First issue date: 1935 Genre/Series: Drama Publisher: unknown Notes:
1st edition
Bees on the Boatdeck First issue date: 1936 Genre/Series: Drama Publisher: William Heinemenn Ltd., London Notes:
Charles Dickens First issue date: 1936 Genre/Series: Biography Publisher: Thomas Nelson, London Notes:
Spring Tide First issue date: 1936 Genre/Series: Drama Publisher: unknown Notes: By Peter Goldsmith (pseud for JBP) and George Billam
They Walk in the City: The Lovers in the Stone Forest First issue date: 1936 Genre/Series: Novel Publisher: William Heinemann Ltd., London Notes:
1st edition
I Have Been Here Before First issue date: 1937 Genre/Series: Drama Publisher: William Heinemenn Ltd., London Notes: A time play
Midnight on the Desert First issue date: 1937 Genre/Series: Autobiography Publisher: William Heinemenn Ltd., London Notes: First volume of autobiography
Mystery of Greenfingers First issue date: 1937 Genre/Series: Drama Publisher: Samuel French, London Notes:
People at Sea First issue date: 1937 Genre/Series: Drama Publisher: William Heinemann Ltd., London Notes:
1st edition
Time And The Conways First issue date: 1937 Genre/Series: Drama Publisher: William Heinemenn Ltd., London Notes: A time play Also issued in a Samuel French acting edition
1970's Samuel French acting edition
Two Time Plays First issue date: 1937 Genre/Series: Drama Publisher: William Heinemann Ltd., London Notes: Two previously published plays ('Time And The Conways' and 'I Have Been Here Before') with a new 7pp introduction.
The Doomsday Men First issue date: 1938 Genre/Series: Novel Publisher: William Heinemann Ltd., London Notes:
1st edition
When we are Married First issue date: 1938 Genre/Series: Drama Publisher: William Heinemann Ltd., London Notes: Also published in an acting edition by Samuel French
Acting edition
Johnson Over Jordan First issue date: 1939 Genre/Series: Drama Publisher: William Heinemann Ltd., London Notes: The Heinemann edition includes an essay 'All about it'.
Let the People Sing First issue date: 1939 Genre/Series: Novel Publisher: William Heinemann Ltd., London Notes: Commissioned by the BBC for broadcasting, Priestley wrote more than they could handle and after editing only a third was broadcast.
1st edition
Rain Upon Godshill First issue date: 1939 Genre/Series: Autobiography Publisher: William Heinemenn Ltd., London Notes: Second volume of autobiography
Postscripts First issue date: 1940 Genre/Series: Radio talks Publisher: William Heinemenn Ltd., London Notes: Transcripts of radio talks - specifically described as not 'essays' - given on national radio in UK each Sunday evening between June and October, 1940,
1st edition
The Long Mirror First issue date: 1940 Genre/Series: Drama Publisher: unknown Notes: Written for the repertory company of The Playhouse at Oxford during 1940 and first performed there - not know if separately published but appears in several collections - a play about ESP and second sight,
Out of the People First issue date: 1941 Genre/Series: Essays Publisher: Collins, London Notes:
1st edition
Blackout in Gretley: A story of - and for - Wartime First issue date: 1942 Genre/Series: Novel Publisher: William Heinemenn Ltd., London Notes:
1st edition
Goodnight Children First issue date: 1942 Genre/Series: Drama Publisher: unknown Notes:
British Women Go To War First issue date: 1943 Genre/Series: Non-fiction Publisher: Collins, London Notes: An account of the work of women, both in the armed forces and in industry, during WW2
Daylight on Saturday: A Novel about an Aircraft Factory First issue date: 1943 Genre/Series: Novel Publisher: William Heinemenn Ltd., London Notes:
1st edition
Three Plays (Music At Night, The Long Mirror, They Came To A City) First issue date: 1943 Genre/Series: Drama Publisher: William Heinemann Ltd., London Notes:
Desert Highway First issue date: 1944 Genre/Series: Drama Publisher: William Heinemann Ltd., London Notes: written specially for the Army Bureau of Current Affairs Play Unit, set in the Syrian Desert in contemporary times (1943) with an 'interlude' between Acts 1 and 2 set in 703BC, all profits to the benefit of the soldiers of the British Army, first performed in public at Bristol in December 1943,
1st edition
Four Plays (Music At Night, The Long Mirror, They Came To A City, Desert Highway) First issue date: 1944 Genre/Series: Drama Publisher: William Heinemann Ltd., London Notes:
Manpower First issue date: 1944 Genre/Series: Non-fiction Publisher: HMSO, London Notes: Issued in paper wrappers, the story of Great Britain's mobilisation of labour for war. Authorship not attributed in text.
1st edition
They Came to a City First issue date: 1944 Genre/Series: Drama Publisher: Samuel French, London Notes:
1st edition
Letter to a Returning Serviceman First issue date: 1945 Genre/Series: Essay Publisher: Home and Van Thal Ltd., London Notes:
Three Comedies ('Good Night Children', 'The Golden Fleece', 'How Are They at Home?') First issue date: 1945 Genre/Series: Drama Publisher: William Heinemann Ltd., London Notes:
Three Men in New Suits First issue date: 1945 Genre/Series: Novel Publisher: William Heinemenn Ltd., London Notes:
1st edition
Bright Day First issue date: 1946 Genre/Series: Novel Publisher: William Heinemenn Ltd., London Notes:
1st edition
Ever Since Paradise (music by Dennis Arundell) First issue date: 1946 Genre/Series: Drama Publisher: Samuel French, London Notes:
Russian Journey First issue date: 1946 Genre/Series: Travelogue Publisher: Writers Group for the Society of Cultural relations with the USSR Notes:
The Secret Dream - An Essay on Britain America and Russia First issue date: 1946 Genre/Series: Essay Publisher: Turnstile Press Ltd., London Notes:
1st edition
An Inspector Calls First issue date: 1947 Genre/Series: Drama Publisher: William Heinemenn Ltd., London Notes: Time play
1st edition
Jenny Villiers First issue date: 1947 Genre/Series: Novel Publisher: William Heinemenn Ltd., London Notes: illustrated by M. Elaine Hancock
1st edition
Music at Night First issue date: 1947 Genre/Series: Drama Publisher: Samuel French, London Notes:
The Arts Under Socialism - being a lecture given to the Fabian Society with a postcript on what the government should do for the arts here and now First issue date: 1947 Genre/Series: Lecture Publisher: Turnstile Press Ltd., London Notes: Transcript of a lecture - the title says it all.
1st edition
The Long Mirror First issue date: 1947 Genre/Series: Drama Publisher: Samuel French, London Notes:
The Rose and Crown First issue date: 1947 Genre/Series: Drama Publisher: Samuel French, London Notes:
Theatre Outlook First issue date: 1947 Genre/Series: Criticism Publisher: Nicholson and Watson, London Notes:
1st edition
Three Time Plays (Dangerous Corner, Time and the Conways, I Have Been here Before) First issue date: 1947 Genre/Series: Drama Publisher: Pan Books, London Notes: First in this collection
3rd impression
The Golden Fleece First issue date: 1948 Genre/Series: Drama Publisher: Samuel French, London Notes:
The Linden Tree First issue date: 1948 Genre/Series: Drama Publisher: William Heinemann Ltd., London Notes:
1st edition
The Olympians (opera libretto, music by Arthur Bliss) First issue date: 1948 Genre/Series: Drama Publisher: Novello and Co., London Notes:
Delight First issue date: 1949 Genre/Series: Essays Publisher: William Heinemenn Ltd., London Notes: 1949 also issued in limited edition of 250 numbered and signed by the author
Home is Tomorrow First issue date: 1949 Genre/Series: Drama Publisher: William Heinemann Ltd., London Notes:
1st edition
Bright Shadow First issue date: 1950 Genre/Series: Drama Publisher: Samuel French, London Notes:
Summer Day's Dream First issue date: 1950 Genre/Series: Drama Publisher: Samuel French, London Notes:
Festival at Farbridge First issue date: 1951 Genre/Series: Novel Publisher: William Heinemenn Ltd., London Notes:
1st edition
The Priestley Companion First issue date: 1951 Genre/Series: Miscellaneous Publisher: Penguin Books / William Heinemann, London Notes: A selection of extracts by Priestley from his previously published works including novels, essays and social commentaries with an original 'Author's Note'. Introduction by Ivor Brown
1st edition in this collection
Dragon's Mouth First issue date: 1952 Genre/Series: Drama Publisher: William Heinemenn Ltd., London Notes:
Mother's Day First issue date: 1953 Genre/Series: Drama Publisher: unknown Notes:
Private Rooms First issue date: 1953 Genre/Series: Drama Publisher: unknown Notes:
The Other Place First issue date: 1953 Genre/Series: Short Stories Publisher: unknown Notes:
1st edition
Treasure on Pelican First issue date: 1953 Genre/Series: Drama Publisher: Evans Brothers, London Notes:
Low Notes on a High Level First issue date: 1954 Genre/Series: Novel Publisher: William Heinemenn Ltd., London Notes:
1st edition
The Magicians First issue date: 1954 Genre/Series: Novel Publisher: William Heinemenn Ltd., London Notes:
Journey Down a Rainbow (with Jaquetta Hawkes) First issue date: 1955 Genre/Series: Travelogue Publisher: Heinemann/Cresset, London Notes:
1st edition
All About Ourselves First issue date: 1956 Genre/Series: Essays Publisher: William Heinemenn Ltd., London Notes: A new collection of 77 previously published essays selected by Eric Gillett
The Scandalous Affair of Mr. Kettle and Mrs. Moon First issue date: 1956 Genre/Series: Drama Publisher: Samuel French, London Notes:
The Writer in a Changing Society First issue date: 1956 Genre/Series: Criticism Publisher: Hand and Flower Press Notes:
The Art of the Dramatist First issue date: 1957 Genre/Series: Essays Publisher: William Heinemenn Ltd., London Notes:
The Glass Cage First issue date: 1957 Genre/Series: Drama Publisher: Samuel French, London Notes:
Thoughts in the Wilderness First issue date: 1957 Genre/Series: Essays Publisher: William Heinemenn Ltd., London Notes:
Topside, or The Future of England First issue date: 1958 Genre/Series: Essay Publisher: unknown Notes:
Literature and Western Man First issue date: 1960 Genre/Series: Criticism Publisher: Heinemann, London Notes:
1st edition
William Hazlitt First issue date: 1960 Genre/Series: Essay Publisher: unknown Notes:
Charles Dickens - A Pictorial Biography First issue date: 1961 Genre/Series: Biography Publisher: Thames and Hudson, London Notes:
Saturn Over the Water First issue date: 1961 Genre/Series: Novel Publisher: Heinemann, London Notes:
1st edition
Margin Released First issue date: 1962 Genre/Series: Autobiography Publisher: Heinemann, London Notes: Although classified by genre as Autobiography the author specifically denies this in his preface, describing the book as literary reminscences and reflections,
The Shapes of Sleep First issue date: 1962 Genre/Series: Novel Publisher: Heinemann, London Notes:
1st edition
Man and Time First issue date: 1964 Genre/Series: Essay Publisher: Aldus Books, London Notes:
Sir Michael & Sir George First issue date: 1964 Genre/Series: Novel Publisher: William Heinemenn Ltd., London Notes:
1st edition
Lost Empires First issue date: 1965 Genre/Series: Novel Publisher: Heinemann, London Notes:
1st edition
Salt Is Leaving First issue date: 1966 Genre/Series: Novel Publisher: Pan Books Ltd., London Notes: UK 1st is paperback - hardback edn. issued Harper and Row, New York, 1966
The Moments First issue date: 1966 Genre/Series: Unknown Publisher: Heinemann, London Notes:
It's an Old Country First issue date: 1967 Genre/Series: Novel Publisher: Heinemann, London Notes:
All England Listened - The Wartime Broadcasts First issue date: 1968 Genre/Series: WW2 general Publisher: Chilmark Ltd., London Notes:
London End First issue date: 1968 Genre/Series: Novel Publisher: Heinemann, London Notes: Volume Two of The Image Men
Out Of Town First issue date: 1968 Genre/Series: Novel Publisher: Heinemann, London Notes: Volume One of The Image Men
Trumpets Over The Sea First issue date: 1968 Genre/Series: Travelogue Publisher: Heinemann, London Notes: Illustrated
Charles Dickens and His World First issue date: 1969 Genre/Series: Biography Publisher: Thames and Hudson, London Notes:
The Prince of Pleasure and his Regency 1811-20 First issue date: 1969 Genre/Series: Social history Publisher: William Heinemann, London Notes: A profusely illustrated 'personal impression' of the age rather than a history
1971 Sphere paperback edition
The Edwardians First issue date: 1970 Genre/Series: Social History Publisher: Heinemann, London Notes: Illustrated
1st edition
Snoggle, A Story for anybody between 9 and 90 First issue date: 1971 Genre/Series: Novel Publisher: Heinemann, London Notes: The author's first children's book, illustrated by Margaret Palmer,
1st edition
Over the Long High Wall First issue date: 1972 Genre/Series: Publisher: Heinemann, London Notes:
Victoria's Heyday First issue date: 1972 Genre/Series: Social History Publisher: Heinemann, London Notes:
A Visit to New Zealand First issue date: 1973 Genre/Series: Travelogue Publisher: Heinemann, London Notes:
The English First issue date: 1973 Genre/Series: Publisher: Heinemann, London Notes:
Outcries And Asides First issue date: 1974 Genre/Series: Miscellaneous Publisher: Heinemann, London Notes:
1st edition
The Carfitt Crisis First issue date: 1974 Genre/Series: Short stories Publisher: Heinemann, London Notes:
1st edition
Particular Pleasures - A Personal Record of Some Varied Arts and Many Different Artists First issue date: 1975 Genre/Series: Miscellaneous Publisher: Heinemann, London Notes:
1st edition
English Humour First issue date: 1976 Genre/Series: Criticism Publisher: Heinemann, London Notes: A confusing re-use of the same title as that first published by Longmans Green, London in 1929. On the same subject but with different contents and illustrated,
Found, Lost, Found: or The English Way of Life First issue date: 1976 Genre/Series: Novel Publisher: Heinemann, London Notes:
1st edition
Instead Of The Trees First issue date: 1977 Genre/Series: Autobiography Publisher: Heinemann, London Notes:
1st edition
Associated works
Our Nation's Heritage First issue date: 1939 Genre/Series: Essays Publisher: J. M. Dent and Sons Ltd., London Notes: A selection of essays about Great Britain by a number of authors with an introduction and epilogue by J. B. Priestley
Scenes Of London Life - from 'Sketches by Boz' First issue date: 1947 Genre/Series: Essays Publisher: Pan Books Ltd., London Notes: Priestley's selection of and introduction to accounts of London written by Charles Dickens.
A Severed Head (with Iris Murdoch) First issue date: 1964 Genre/Series: Drama Publisher: Chatto and Windus, London Notes: Priestley assisted Iris Murdoch in the adaption of her novel 'A Severed Head' (1961) for the theatre
1st edition
J. B. Priestley: Portrait of an Author by Susan Cooper First issue date: 1970 Genre/Series: Biography Publisher: Heinemann, London Notes:
J. B. Priestley: by Vincent Brome First issue date: 1988 Genre/Series: Biography Publisher: Hamish Hamilton, London Notes:
Time and the Priestleys: The Story of a Friendship by Diana Collins First issue date: 1994 Genre/Series: Biography Publisher: Allan Sutton, Stroud Notes: Biography of J. B. Priestley and his wife Jacquetta Hawkes by their friend since 1957, Diana Collins, wife of Canon John Collins
1st edition
Priestley: by Judith Cook First issue date: 1997 Genre/Series: Biography Publisher: Bloomsbury, London Notes:
end of list: