P. G. Wodehouse

Image P. G. WodehousePelham Grenville Wodehouse was born at Guildford, Surrey, 15 October, 1881. Many excellent biographies exist and so none is attempted here but a few significant dates and events from his life may be useful.

After attending Dulwich College from 1894-1900 he worked at the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank in London, writing articles and short stories in his spare time and having his first novel, a school story The Pothunters, published in 1902. He joined The Globe as editor of the column 'By the Way'  in 1904 and his first adult novel, Love among the Chickens was published in 1906.

By this time he had already visited USA for the first time and was writing song lyrics as well as plays and novels. By 1909 he was making enough money from his writing to be able to resign from The Globe.

For the next twenty years he spent time on both sides of the Atlantic. His writing output was prolific, producing full length novels, regularly contributing short stories to periodicals as well as writing plays, song lyrics and screenplays.

In 1932 he bought a house near Le Touquet in France and it was from there, after the fall of France, that he was interned by the Germans in 1940. After spending time in several prisons he was released in 1941, as was German policy for internees at the age of 60, first to Berlin and then Paris.

Having been cut off from his reading public for so long and not being allowed out of the country he took up the offer by a US Correspondent to broadcast from Germany to the American and British people, an action which was probably naive and certainly misinterpreted in UK at the time as German propaganda.

After the liberation of France he was arrested by the French police and detained in hospital without charge. There were moves within UK for him to be charged with treason but through lack of evidence he was eventually released and he moved to New York in 1947, becoming a US Citizen in 1955.

In January 1975 he belatedly received a Knighthood from the British Queen and in February the same year died in hospital at Southampton.

Our checklist

We are happy to share this with you but would suggest that serious students/collectors obtain their own copies of reference sources such as McIlvaine, Connolly, Jasen, Usborne etc. We have found the excellent McIlvaine the most comprehensive but that very nature means that because of its size it is not the easiest to use as a quick reference.

When cataloguing undated UK Wodehouse titles we found it useful to have a ready reference list of the UK titles in date of publication order. To this end we compiled our own and added notes for our own reference,  (e.g. genre, whether US or UK was 1st issue, anything that we have previously found that is not covered in McIlvaine, etc) - which is reproduced here.

Included in each entry is the number used by McIlvaine (which should be referred to for definitive details) as well as some differences from McIlvaine which we have recorded by examining the books concerned.

The following is a list of the UK works of P. G. Wodehouse in date order, not a list of the books we are offering for sale. For the the titles we currently have in stock see here


i.  In two sections, Original Works followed by Collected/omnibus editions
ii. Where there is no UK issue there is no listing
iii. There are sometimes minor differences in the content between UK and US issues of the same book and in a few cases the versions are very different. Any differences receive only a passing mention if at all, in this list


Original works

The Pothunters
McIlvaine Ref:  A1
First issue date:  September 1902
Genre/Series:  School novel
Publisher:  A and C Black
McIlvaine addenda:  A and C Black, London, 1915, 272pp, half tone frontis and 9 other half tone plates by R. Noel Pocock, dark turquoise cloth lettered in deep cream (NOT gilt) with pictorial decorations in light blue, black and deep cream at spine and upper board, cover decoration from frontis and spine dec. from first plate, dated 1915 on title, otherwise as first issue, ie. 'First published, September 1902' on copyright page, 'Printed by M'Farlane & Erskine, Edinburgh' foot of p272, no ads., it has 8 other illustrated titles listed by the same author, the latest being 'Psmith Journalist', an early issue unrecorded in McIlvaine and possibly a variant of A1a.2
US Title (If different):  True first - UK

A Prefect's Uncle
McIlvaine Ref:  A2
First issue date:  September 1903
Genre/Series:  School novel
Publisher:  A and C Black
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  True first - UK

Tales of St. Austin's
McIlvaine Ref:  A3
First issue date:  November 1903
Genre/Series:  School short stories
Publisher:  A and C Black
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  True first - UK

The Gold Bat
McIlvaine Ref:  A4
First issue date:  September 1904
Genre/Series:  School novel
Publisher:  A and C Black
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  True first - UK

Willam Tell Told Again
McIlvaine Ref:  A5
First issue date:  November 1904
Genre/Series:  Children's novel
Publisher:  A and C Black
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  True first - UK

The Head of Kay's
McIlvaine Ref:  A6
First issue date:  October 1905
Genre/Series:  School novel
Publisher:  A and C Black
Notes:  First published in six monthly parts in 'The Captain, Oct 1904-March 1905,
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  True first - UK

Love Among the Chickens
McIlvaine Ref:  A7
First issue date:  June 1906
Genre/Series:  Ukridge novel
Publisher:  George Newnes
Notes:  A new UK edition was entirely re-written and published by Herbert Jenkins 1921
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  Love Among the Chickens - A Story of the Haps and Mishaps on an English Chicken Farm True first - UK

The White Feather
McIlvaine Ref:  A8
First issue date:  October 1907
Genre/Series:  School novel
Publisher:  A and C Black
Notes:  First published in six monthly parts in 'The Captain, Oct 1905-March 1906,
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  True first - UK

Not George Washington
McIlvaine Ref:  A9
First issue date:  October 1907
Genre/Series:  Autobiographical novel of journalism
Publisher:  Cassell
Notes:  Written with Herbert Westbrook
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  True first - UK

The Globe by the Way Book
McIlvaine Ref:  A10
First issue date:  June 1908
Genre/Series:  Omnibus of newspaper column
Publisher:  The Globe
Notes:  Written with Herbert Westbrook, very scarce in wrappers
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  True first - UK

The Swoop! Or How Clarence Saved England
McIlvaine Ref:  A11
First issue date:  April 1909
Genre/Series:  Non series novel
Publisher:  Alston Rivers
Notes:  Very scarce paperback issue
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  No US title known True first - UK

McIlvaine Ref:  A12
First issue date:  September 1909
Genre/Series:  School, Mike, Psmith novel
Publisher:  A and C Black
Notes:  UK edition later split into 2 halves, chapters 30-59 published as Enter Psmith (1935) and later renamed Mike and Psmith (1953), and chapters 1-29 Mike at Wryken (1953)
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  True first - UK

Psmith in the City
McIlvaine Ref:  A14
First issue date:  September 1910
Genre/Series:  Mike, Psmith novel
Publisher:  A and C Black
McIlvaine addenda:  A. and C. Black, London, 1939, reprint, 266pp, [ii] ads., turquoise cloth lettered and dec. in black at spine, lettered and decorated upper bd., 'Twelfth reprint, 1939' (of the 1923 edition) on copyright page, not in McIlvaine but between A14a.10 and A14.a11,
US Title (If different):  True first - UK

A Gentleman of Leisure
McIlvaine Ref:  A13
First issue date:  November 1910
Genre/Series:  Non series novel
Publisher:  Alston Rivers
Notes:  The first title to be issued in the US before the UK
McIlvaine addenda:  i. Herbert Jenkins, London, ND (circa 1923), 256pp, apple green cloth lettered in black, heavy black border and lettering upper bd., pub. device lower bd., meets criteria of McIlvaine A13b.3 which is stated to be 3rd issue, 1921 but the latest in eight titles listed is The Girl on the Boat (1922), does not mention Ukridge which is one of the points of A13b.4
ii. Herbert Jenkins, London, ND (1924), 256pp, green cloth lettered and ruled in black at spine, lettering and 4mm border in black upper board, publishers device lower board, latest in title list 'Ukridge', McIlvaine A13b.4 variant with the 'Copyright in U.S.A.' statement not in italics and in slightly smaller font
iii. Herbert Jenkins, London, ND (circa 1936), 256pp, orange cloth lettered in black, 2mm black border and lettering upper bd., pub. device lower bd. and tail of spine, 'Eleventh printing completing 105,978 copies' on copyright page, 30 titles in list 'By the Same Author, from 'Piccadilly Jim' to 'The Luck of the Bodkins', latest 'Mulliner Omnibus' (October 1935), not in McIlvaine, would be after A13b.6 but before A13b.7
iv. Star/W. H. Allen, London, 1978, paperback, 1st in imprint, 221pp, unattributed col'd pictorial wrappers, an issue of A13b not in McIlvaine
US Title (If different):  The Intrusion of Jimmy True first - US

The Prince and Betty
McIlvaine Ref:  A15
First issue date:  May 1912
Genre/Series:  Romance
Publisher:  Mills and Boon
Notes:  Based on a plot first published in 'The Captain' 1909/10 as 'Psmith Journalist' with removed romance for the UK second edition which reverts to the original name (see 'Psmith Journalist' book edition 1915). The US and UK versions of 'The Prince and Betty' have different protagonists and setting.
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  True first - US

The Little Nugget
McIlvaine Ref:  A16
First issue date:  August 1913
Genre/Series:  Non series novel
Publisher:  Methuen
Notes:  In its earliest form serialised in 'The Captain' (Jan/Feb/Mar 1913) as 'The Eighteen Carat Kid' without the love interest.
McIlvaine addenda:  New English Library/Four Square, London, 1967, paperback, 3rd imp. thus, 192pp, unattributed col'd pictorial wrappers, an issue of A16a not in McIlvaine, previous impressions in the imprint in 1962 and 1965 listed on copyright page,
US Title (If different):  True first - UK

The Man Upstairs and other stories
McIlvaine Ref:  A17
First issue date:  January 1914
Genre/Series:  Short stories
Publisher:  Methuen
Notes:  See A102 - separate publication of short story 'Sir Agravaine'
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  No US title known True first - UK

Something Fresh
McIlvaine Ref:  A18
First issue date:  September 1915
Genre/Series:  Blandings novel
Publisher:  Methuen
Notes:  The first Blandings novel
McIlvaine addenda:  i. Methuen, London, 1934, reprint, 252pp, blue paper covered bds. lettered in black at spine, black border upper bd., 'Sixteenth Edition 1934' on copyright page, printed by Jarrold and Sons, Norwich, not in McIlvaine but between A18b.16 and A18b.17
ii. Mayflower Books, London, 1961, paperback, 1st in imprint, 157pp, col'd pictorial wrappers by 'Chantrell', an issue of A18b not in McIlvaine,
US Title (If different):  Something New True first - US

Psmith Journalist
McIlvaine Ref:  A15
First issue date:  September 1915
Genre/Series:  Psmith, Mike novel
Publisher:  A and C Black
Notes:  The serialised version was first published in 'The Captain' 1909/10, pre-dating 'The Prince and Betty' (1912) which used the same plot but with added romance. The story was re-written again and published in UK as 'Psmith Journalist', the US edition of that name being imported sheets (no exclusive US publication).
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  True first - UK

The Man with Two Left Feet
McIlvaine Ref:  A21
First issue date:  March 1917
Genre/Series:  Short Stories (incl. first Wooster, Jeeves story)
Publisher:  Methuen
McIlvaine addenda:  i. Methuen, London, 1937, vi, 215pp, [i] ads., smaller format (7 x 4.5 inches approx.), blue cloth lettered and decorated in black at spine, black border upper board, marked 'Fourteenth Edition' on title, repeated on copyright page with '1937', not in McIlvaine, would be between A21a.13 and A21a.14
ii. Penguin, Harmondsworth, 1961, paperback, 1st in imprint, 222pp, #1601, Penguin orange and white livery with Geoffrey Salter illustration upper wrapper, an issue of A21a not listed in McIlvaine
iii. Penguin, Harmondsworth, 1983, 222pp, [i] ads., pictorial upper wrapper by Ionicus, not in McIlvaine, an issue after A21a.19
US Title (If different):  True first - UK

Uneasy Money
McIlvaine Ref:  A19
First issue date:  October 1917
Genre/Series:  Non series novel
Publisher:  Methuen
McIlvaine addenda:  Methuen, London, 1947, 279pp, beige cloth lettered in black at spine and upper board, marked 'Twentieth edition' on title, repeated on copyright page with '1947', not in McIlvaine, would be between A19b.18 and A19b.19
US Title (If different):  True first - US

Piccadilly Jim
McIlvaine Ref:  A20
First issue date:  May 1918
Genre/Series:  Non series novel
Publisher:  Herbert Jenkins
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  True first - US

My Man Jeeves
McIlvaine Ref:  A22
First issue date:  May 1919
Genre/Series:  Short stories incl. 4 Wooster, Jeeves
Publisher:  George Newnes
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  No US title known True first - UK

A Damsel in Distress
McIlvaine Ref:  A24
First issue date:  October 1919
Genre/Series:  Non series novel
Publisher:  Herbert Jenkins
McIlvaine addenda:  Herbert Jenkins, London, ND (circa 1922), reprint, 319pp, blue paper covered bds., lettered in dark blue in heavy border upper bd., publisher's device lower bd., 'Popular Edition' on copyright page, latest in title list 'Jill the Reckless' and 'Indiscretions of Archie' (1921), printed Butler and Tanner - Frome and London, not in McIlvaine but there is a gap of 10 years between McIlvaine A24b.4 (1921) and A24b.5 (1931) - unlikely there were no further issues in this period
US Title (If different):  True first - US

The Coming of Bill
McIlvaine Ref:  A23
First issue date:  July 1920
Genre/Series:  Non series novel
Publisher:  Herbert Jenkins
McIlvaine addenda:  McIlvaine A23b.3 should read 'Eleventh printing completing 58,656 copies' on copyright page and not 588,876 copies (!)
US Title (If different):  Their Mutual Child True first - US

Indiscretions of Archie
McIlvaine Ref:  A26
First issue date:  February 1921
Genre/Series:  Short stories
Publisher:  Herbert Jenkins
McIlvaine addenda:  i. Herbert Jenkins, London, ND (circa 1925), reprint, 320pp, deep cream cloth lettered in maroon, lettering in maroon double border upper bd., publisher's device lower bd., 'Seventh Printing completing 76,512 copies' on copyright page, not in McIlvaine but earlier than McIlvaine A26a.4, latest in title list 'Carry on, Jeeves' (1925)
ii. Herbert Jenkins, London, ND (circa 1928), reprint, 320pp, light grey cloth lettered in maroon, lettering in maroon border upper bd., publisher's device lower bd., 'Ninth Printing completing 96,651 copies' on copyright page, not in McIlvaine but between Mcilvaine A26a.4 and A26a.5, latest in title list 'Money for Nothing' (1928),
US Title (If different):  True first - UK

Love among the Chickens
McIlvaine Ref:  A7c
First issue date:  June 1921
Genre/Series:  Ukridge novel
Publisher:  Herbert Jenkins
Notes:  Entirely re-written - see original appearance of title June 1906
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  True first - UK

Jill the Reckless
McIlvaine Ref:  A25
First issue date:  July 1921
Genre/Series:  Non series novel
Publisher:  Herbert Jenkins
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  The Little Warrior True first - US

The Clicking of Cuthbert
McIlvaine Ref:  A27
First issue date:  February 1922
Genre/Series:  Oldest Member golf short stories
Publisher:  Herbert Jenkins
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  Golf Without Tears True first - UK

The Girl on the Boat
McIlvaine Ref:  A28
First issue date:  June 1922
Genre/Series:  Non series novel
Publisher:  Herbert Jenkins
McIlvaine addenda:  Herbert Jenkins, London, ND, 14th imp., 312pp, orange cloth with col'd pictorial dustwrapper by Heath Robinson, not recorded in McIlvaine, 14th printing completing 108,781 copies on copyright page
US Title (If different):  Three Men and a Maid True first - US

The Adventures of Sally
McIlvaine Ref:  A29
First issue date:  October 1922
Genre/Series:  Non series novel
Publisher:  Herbert Jenkins
McIlvaine addenda:  Penguin, Harmondsworth, 1987, paperback, 222pp, [ii] ads., pictorial upper wrapper by Ionicus, not in McIlvaine, further issue after A29a.13,
US Title (If different):  Mostly Sally True first - UK

The Inimitable Jeeves
McIlvaine Ref:  A30
First issue date:  May 1923
Genre/Series:  Wooster, Jeeves short stories
Publisher:  Herbert Jenkins
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  Jeeves True first - UK

Leave it to Psmith
McIlvaine Ref:  A31
First issue date:  November 1923
Genre/Series:  Blandings, Psmith novel
Publisher:  Herbert Jenkins
McIlvaine addenda:  i. Herbert Jenkins, London, ND (circa 1927), 327pp, olive green cloth lettered in black at spine and upper bd., pictorial upper bd. in black, publisher's device lower bd., no issue information on copyright page, latest in title list at 7/6 'The Heart of a Goof' (April 1926), McIlvaine A31a.3 or an unlisted prior issue, after A31a.2,
ii. Herbert Jenkins, London, ND (circa 1927), 327pp, olive green cloth lettered in black at spine and upper bd., pictorial upper bd. in black, publisher's device lower bd., 'Fourth printing completing 38,000 copies' on copyright page, latest in title list at 7/6 'Meet Mr. Mulliner' (September 1927), McIlvaine A31a.3 or a further unlisted issue before A31a.4
iii. Herbert Jenkins, London, ND (circa 1935), 327pp, orange cloth lettered in black at spine and upper board, pictorial decoration upper board in black, publisher's device lower board, 'Seventh printing completing 63,400 copies' on copyright page, latest in title list Mulliner Nights (1933), not in McIlvaine, would appear to be between A31a.5 and A31a.6,
US Title (If different):  True first - UK

McIlvaine Ref:  A32
First issue date:  June 1924
Genre/Series:  Ukridge short stories
Publisher:  Herbert Jenkins
McIlvaine addenda:  Herbert Jenkins, London, ND (circa 1926), reprint, 256pp, green cloth lettered in black at spine, lettered with pictorial decoration upper bd., publisher's device lower bd., a strange copy of the title in which the half title and title have been removed and replaced with a single folded leaf of 4pp tipped onto stub of title, apparently by publisher (same paper and printing quality), 'Fiftieth Thousand' on copyright page, latest in title list 'The Heart of a Goof' (1926), not in McIlvaine but would be between A32a.2 and A32a.4
US Title (If different):  He Rather Enjoyed It True first - UK

Bill the Conqueror
McIlvaine Ref:  A33
First issue date:  November 1924
Genre/Series:  Non series novel
Publisher:  Methuen
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  True first - UK

Carry on, Jeeves!
McIlvaine Ref:  A34
First issue date:  October 1925
Genre/Series:  Wooster, Jeeves short stories
Publisher:  Herbert Jenkins
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  True first - UK

Sam the Sudden
McIlvaine Ref:  A35
First issue date:  October 1925
Genre/Series:  Non series novel
Publisher:  Methuen
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  Sam in the Suburbs True first - UK

The Heart of a Goof
McIlvaine Ref:  A36
First issue date:  April 1926
Genre/Series:  Oldest Member golf short stories
Publisher:  Herbert Jenkins
McIlvaine addenda:  Herbert Jenkins, London, ND (1930's), 314pp, [iv] ads., orange cloth lettered in black at spine and upper board, publishers device lower board, 'Ninth printing completing 60,400 copies' on copyright page, not in McIlvaine but would appear between A36a.4 (1927) and A36a.5 (circa 1938)
US Title (If different):  Divots True first - UK

The Small Bachelor
McIlvaine Ref:  A37
First issue date:  April 1927
Genre/Series:  Non series novel
Publisher:  Methuen
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  True first - UK

Meet Mr. Mulliner
McIlvaine Ref:  A38
First issue date:  September 1927
Genre/Series:  Anglers Rest Mr. Mulliner short stories
Publisher:  Herbert Jenkins
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  True first - UK

Money for Nothing
McIlvaine Ref:  A39
First issue date:  July 1928
Genre/Series:  Non series novel
Publisher:  Herbert Jenkins
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  True first - UK

Mr. Mulliner Speaking
McIlvaine Ref:  A40
First issue date:  April 1929
Genre/Series:  Anglers Rest Mr. Mulliner short stories
Publisher:  Herbert Jenkins
McIlvaine addenda:  Herbert Jenkins, London, ND (circa 1938), reprint, 320pp, orange cloth lettered in black, lettered and decorated upper bd., publisher's device lower bd., 'Seventh printing completing 54,550 copies' on copyright page, not in McIlvaine but an issue between A40a.3 and A40a.4,
US Title (If different):  True first - UK

Summer Lightning
McIlvaine Ref:  A41
First issue date:  July 1929
Genre/Series:  Blandings novel
Publisher:  Herbert Jenkins
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  Fish Preferred True first - US

Very Good, Jeeves
McIlvaine Ref:  A42
First issue date:  July 1930
Genre/Series:  Wooster, Jeeves short stories
Publisher:  Herbert Jenkins
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  True first - US

Big Money
McIlvaine Ref:  A43
First issue date:  March 1931
Genre/Series:  Non series novel
Publisher:  Herbert Jenkins
McIlvaine addenda:  Herbert Jenkins, London, ND (1953), 314pp, [ii] ads., orange cloth lettered in black spine and upper bd., publisher's device lower bd., 'Eighth printing, completing 63,000 copies' on copyright page, McIlvaine A43b.5 but reverse order of stated title list
US Title (If different):  True first - US

If I Were You
McIlvaine Ref:  A44
First issue date:  September 1931
Genre/Series:  Non series novel
Publisher:  Herbert Jenkins
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  True first - US

Louder and Funnier
McIlvaine Ref:  A45
First issue date:  March 1932
Genre/Series:  Articles
Publisher:  Faber and Faber
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  No US title known True first - UK

Doctor Sally
McIlvaine Ref:  A46
First issue date:  April 1932
Genre/Series:  Non series novel
Publisher:  Methuen
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  No US title known True first - UK

Hot Water
McIlvaine Ref:  A47
First issue date:  August 1932
Genre/Series:  Non series novel
Publisher:  Herbert Jenkins
McIlvaine addenda:  Herbert Jenkins, London, ND (1933), 312pp, [viii] ads., orange cloth lettered in black, lettering in black border upper bd., publisher's device lower bd., 'Second printing completing 40,000 copies' on copyright page, title Hot Water in ads. at 7/6d, McIlvaine describes the second issue A47a.2 as 'Cheap Edition' at 7/6d (ie. the same price as the first, which is a contradiction) and A47a.3 as marked 'Sixth printing completing 59,007 copies, so this is either McIlvaine A47a.2 or a later issue prior to A47a.3
US Title (If different):  True first - UK

Mulliner Nights
McIlvaine Ref:  A48
First issue date:  January 1933
Genre/Series:  Anglers Rest Mr. Mulliner short stories
Publisher:  Herbert Jenkins
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  True first - UK

The Great Sermon Handicap
McIlvaine Ref:  A49
First issue date:  March 1933
Genre/Series:  Short story
Publisher:  Hodder and Stoughton
Notes:  Miniature book
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  US limited (500) edition 1983 True first - UK

Heavy Weather
McIlvaine Ref:  A50
First issue date:  August 1933
Genre/Series:  Blandings novel
Publisher:  Herbert Jenkins
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  True first - US

Thank You, Jeeves
McIlvaine Ref:  A51
First issue date:  March 1934
Genre/Series:  Wooster, Jeeves novel
Publisher:  Herbert Jenkins
McIlvaine addenda:  Four Square Books, London, 1965, paperback, 192pp, tv tie-in, pictorial upper wrapper shows Ian Carmichael and Dennis Price in the BBC TV production of 'The World of Wooster' series, not in McIlvaine, would be between A51a.9 and A51a.10
US Title (If different):  True first - UK

Right Ho, Jeeves
McIlvaine Ref:  A52
First issue date:  October 1934
Genre/Series:  Wooster, Jeeves novel
Publisher:  A and C Black
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  Brinkley Manor True first - UK

Enter Psmith
McIlvaine Ref:  A12
First issue date:  February 1935
Genre/Series:  Mike, Psmith
Publisher:  Herbert Jenkins
Notes:  Originally published as chapters 30-59 of Mike (1909) later renamed Mike and Psmith (1953)
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  True first - UK

Blandings Castle and Elsewhere
McIlvaine Ref:  A53
First issue date:  April 1935
Genre/Series:  Blandings short stories
Publisher:  Herbert Jenkins
McIlvaine addenda:  i. Herbert Jenkins, London, ND (circa 1935), 311pp, [viii] ads., orange cloth lettered in black, lettering in black border upper bd., publisher's device lower bd., 'Second Printing' on copyright page, latest in ads. 'Luck of the Bodkins' and 'Mulliner Omnibus' (1935), a variant of McIlvaine 2nd. issue A53a.2 supposedly in blue covers,
ii. Herbert Jenkins, London, ND (circa 1940), reprint, 311pp, [viii] ads., orange cloth lettered in black, lettering in black upper bd., publisher's device lower bd., 'Fourth Printing' on copyright page, latest in ads. 'Quick Service' (1940), not in McIlvaine but an issue between A53a.4 and A53a.5,
US Title (If different):  Blandings Castle True first - UK

The Luck of the Bodkins
McIlvaine Ref:  A54
First issue date:  October 1935
Genre/Series:  Monty Bodkin novel
Publisher:  Herbert Jenkins
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  True first - UK

Young Men in Spats
McIlvaine Ref:  A55
First issue date:  April 1936
Genre/Series:  Short stories incl. 3 Mulliner, 1 Uncle Fred
Publisher:  Herbert Jenkins
McIlvaine addenda:  Herbert Jenkins, London, ND (circa 1940), reprint, 312pp, [viii] ads., orange cloth lettered in black at spine, lettered upper bd., publisher's device lower bd., 'Fourth printing' on copyright page, latest title in ads. 'Quick Service' (1940), not in McIlvaine but between A55a.4 and A55a.5,
US Title (If different):  True first - UK

Laughing Gas
McIlvaine Ref:  A56
First issue date:  September 1936
Genre/Series:  Non series novel
Publisher:  Herbert Jenkins
McIlvaine addenda:  Herbert Jenkins, London, ND (circa 1937), reprint, 311pp [viii] ads, orange cloth lettered in black at spine and upper bd., publisher's device lower bd., 'Third Printing' on copyright page, latest title in ads. 'Lord Emsworth and Others' (1937), not in McIlvaine but probably between A56a.3 and A56a.4,
US Title (If different):  True first - UK

Lord Emsworth and Others
McIlvaine Ref:  A57/8
First issue date:  March 1937
Genre/Series:  Short stories incl. Blandings, Mulliner, Ukridge
Publisher:  Herbert Jenkins
Notes:  Short stories, only three of which appear in both titles which is presumably why McIlvaine gives the two titles status as separate books.
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  The Crime Wave at Blandings True first - UK

Summer Moonshine
McIlvaine Ref:  A59
First issue date:  October 1937
Genre/Series:  Non series novel
Publisher:  Herbert Jenkins
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  True first - US

The Code of the Woosters
McIlvaine Ref:  A60
First issue date:  October 1938
Genre/Series:  Wooster, Jeeves novel
Publisher:  Herbert Jenkins
McIlvaine addenda:  Herbert Jenkins, London, ND (circa 1940), reprint, 312pp, [viii] ads., orange cloth lettered in black at spine, lettered upper bd., publisher's device lower bd., 'Fourth Printing' on copyright page, latest in tile list 'Quick Service (1940), 4th printing not in McIlvaine but between A60b.5 (2nd printing) and A60b.7 (5th printing), possibly A60b.6 (unspecified printing) but may be another issue,
US Title (If different):  Same

Uncle Fred in the Springtime
McIlvaine Ref:  A61
First issue date:  August 1939
Genre/Series:  Blandings, Uncle Fred novel
Publisher:  Herbert Jenkins
McIlvaine addenda:  Herbert Jenkins, London, ND (circa 1940), 311pp [viii] ads., orange cloth lettered in black at spine and upper bd., publisher's device lower bd., 'Second Printing' on copyright page with no date, latest title in ads. 'Uncle Fred in the Springtime', variant from McIlvaine listing for Second printing (A61b.4) which should also have date on copyright page,
US Title (If different):  True first - US

Eggs, Beans and Crumpets
McIlvaine Ref:  A62
First issue date:  April 1940
Genre/Series:  Short stories incl. 2 Mulliner and 3 Ukridge
Publisher:  Herbert Jenkins
McIlvaine addenda:  Herbert Jenkins, London, ND (circa 1950), reprint, 284pp, [iv] ads., orange cloth lettered in black at spine, publisher's device lower bd., 'Second printing' on copyright page, printed by Wyman and Sons, latest in ads. 'Uncle Fred in the Springtime' (1939), not in McIlvaine but should probably appear between A62a.2 (1949) and A62a.3 (1951),
US Title (If different):  True first - UK

Quick Service
McIlvaine Ref:  A63
First issue date:  October 1940
Genre/Series:  Non series novel
Publisher:  Herbert Jenkins
McIlvaine addenda:  Herbert Jenkins, London, ND (circa 1940), reprint, 252pp [iv] ads., orange cloth lettered in black at spine and upper bd., publisher's device lower bd., 'Third printing' on copyright page, not in McIlvaine but same spec. as 2nd printing (A63a.4) and prior to A63a.5 (Fourth printing)
US Title (If different):  True first - UK

Money in the Bank
McIlvaine Ref:  A64
First issue date:  May 1946
Genre/Series:  Non series novel
Publisher:  Herbert Jenkins
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  True first - US

Joy in the Morning
McIlvaine Ref:  A65
First issue date:  June 1947
Genre/Series:  Wooster, Jeeves novel
Publisher:  Herbert Jenkins
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  True first - US

Full Moon
McIlvaine Ref:  A66
First issue date:  October 1947
Genre/Series:  Blandings novel
Publisher:  Herbert Jenkins
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  True first - US

Spring Fever
McIlvaine Ref:  A67
First issue date:  May 1948
Genre/Series:  Non series novel
Publisher:  Herbert Jenkins
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  True first - US

Uncle Dynamite
McIlvaine Ref:  A68
First issue date:  October 1948
Genre/Series:  Uncle Fred novel
Publisher:  Herbert Jenkins
McIlvaine addenda:  Hutchinson, London, 1987, New Autograph edition, 253pp, [i] list of titles in edition, dark brown cloth lettered in silver at spine, col'd pict. dw by David Fordham, an issue subsequent to the latest mentioned hardback McIlvaine A.68a.6
US Title (If different):  True first - UK

The Mating Season
McIlvaine Ref:  A69
First issue date:  September 1949
Genre/Series:  Wooster, Jeeves novel
Publisher:  Herbert Jenkins
McIlvaine addenda:  Arena / Arrow, London, 1989, trade paperback, 1st in imprint, 221pp, col'd pictorial wrappers by Paul Leith, not in McIlvaine but an issue subsequent to A69a.15
US Title (If different):  True first - UK

Nothing Serious
McIlvaine Ref:  A70
First issue date:  July 1950
Genre/Series:  Short stories incl. 5 Oldest Member, 1 Ukridge
Publisher:  Herbert Jenkins
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  True first - UK

The Old Reliable
McIlvaine Ref:  A71
First issue date:  April 1951
Genre/Series:  Non series novel
Publisher:  Herbert Jenkins
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  True first - UK

Barmy in Wonderland
McIlvaine Ref:  A72
First issue date:  April 1952
Genre/Series:  Non series novel
Publisher:  Herbert Jenkins
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  Angel Cake True first - UK

Pigs Have Wings
McIlvaine Ref:  A73
First issue date:  October 1952
Genre/Series:  Blandings novel
Publisher:  Herbert Jenkins
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  True first - US

Mike at Wrykn
McIlvaine Ref:  A12
First issue date:  February 1953
Genre/Series:  School novel
Publisher:  Herbert Jenkins
Notes:  Chapters 1-29 of Mike (1909)
McIlvaine addenda:  Barrie and Jenkins, London, 1976, reprint, 189pp, black cloth lettered in gilt at spine, plain lettered dw, not in McIlvaine but a subsequent issue to A12e.3
US Title (If different):  True first - UK

Mike and Psmith
McIlvaine Ref:  A12
First issue date:  February 1953
Genre/Series:  Mike, Psmith novel
Publisher:  Herbert Jenkins
Notes:  Chapters 30-59 of Mike (1909), also Enter Psmith (1935)
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  True first - UK

Ring for Jeeves
McIlvaine Ref:  A74
First issue date:  April 1953
Genre/Series:  Jeeves novel (No Wooster)
Publisher:  Herbert Jenkins
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  The Return of Jeeves True first - UK

Performing Flea
McIlvaine Ref:  A76
First issue date:  October 1953
Genre/Series:  Letters/Autobiog
Publisher:  Herbert Jenkins
Notes:  US edition much revised and not published until 1962
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  Author, Author! True first - UK

Bring on the Girls
McIlvaine Ref:  A75
First issue date:  May 1954
Genre/Series:  Autobiog with Guy Bolton
Publisher:  Herbert Jenkins
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  True first - US

Jeeves and the Feudal Spirit
McIlvaine Ref:  A77
First issue date:  October 1954
Genre/Series:  Wooster, Jeeves novel
Publisher:  Herbert Jenkins
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  Bertie Wooster Sees it Through True first - UK

French Leave
McIlvaine Ref:  A78
First issue date:  January 1956
Genre/Series:  Non series novel
Publisher:  Herbert Jenkins
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  True first - UK

Something Fishy
McIlvaine Ref:  A80
First issue date:  January 1957
Genre/Series:  Non series novel
Publisher:  Herbert Jenkins
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  The Butler Did it True first - UK

Over Seventy
McIlvaine Ref:  A79
First issue date:  October 1957
Genre/Series:  Autobiog
Publisher:  Herbert Jenkins
Notes:  Substantial difference between UK and US editions
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  America I Like You True first - US

Cocktail Time
McIlvaine Ref:  A81
First issue date:  June 1958
Genre/Series:  Uncle Fred novel
Publisher:  Herbert Jenkins
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  True first - UK

A Few Quick Ones
McIlvaine Ref:  A82
First issue date:  June 1959
Genre/Series:  Short stories incl. 2 Mulliner, 1 Oldest Member, Wooster, Jeeves
Publisher:  Herbert Jenkins
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  True first - US

Jeeves in the Offing
McIlvaine Ref:  A83
First issue date:  August 1960
Genre/Series:  Wooster, Jeeves novel
Publisher:  Herbert Jenkins
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  How Right You Are, Jeeves True first - US

Ice in the Bedroom
McIlvaine Ref:  A84
First issue date:  October 1961
Genre/Series:  Non series novel
Publisher:  Herbert Jenkins
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  True first - US

Service with a Smile
McIlvaine Ref:  A85
First issue date:  August 1962
Genre/Series:  Blandings, Uncle Fred
Publisher:  Herbert Jenkins
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  True first - US

Stiff Upper Lip, Jeeves
McIlvaine Ref:  A86
First issue date:  August 1963
Genre/Series:  Wooster, Jeeves novel
Publisher:  Herbert Jenkins
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  True first - US

Frozen Assets
McIlvaine Ref:  A87
First issue date:  August 1964
Genre/Series:  Non series novel
Publisher:  Herbert Jenkins
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  Biffen's Millions True first - US

Galahad at Blandings
McIlvaine Ref:  A88
First issue date:  August 1965
Genre/Series:  Blandings novel
Publisher:  Herbert Jenkins
McIlvaine addenda:  Penguin Harmondsworth 1966 paperback 1st in imprint 184pp [viii] ads. TV tie-in photo pictorial wrappers featuring Ralph Richardson from BBC's The World of Wodehouse McIlvaine A88b.3 variant (believed that this is the correct entry for A88b.3 and the McIlvaine reference is a later issue)
US Title (If different):  The Brinkmanship of Galahad Threepwood True first - US

Plum Pie
McIlvaine Ref:  A89
First issue date:  September 1966
Genre/Series:  Short stories incl. 1 Wooster, Jeeves, 1 Blandings, 1 Ukridge, 1 Mulliner
Publisher:  Herbert Jenkins
McIlvaine addenda:  Coronet/Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1978, paperback, 1st in imprint, revised and amended, unattributed col' d pictorial wrappers, an issue not in McIlvaine and omitting the last four items of 'Contents' from McIlvaine A89a, with the addition of 'Success Story', first issued in 'Nothing Serious',
US Title (If different):  True first - UK

Company for Henry
McIlvaine Ref:  A90
First issue date:  October 1967
Genre/Series:  Non series novel
Publisher:  Herbert Jenkins
McIlvaine addenda:  Mayflower Books, London, 1969, paperback, 158pp, col'd pictorial wrappers by David Langden, a subsequent issue to A90b.3 not in McIlvaine,
US Title (If different):  The Purloined Paperweight True first - US

Do Butlers Burgle Banks?
McIlvaine Ref:  A91
First issue date:  September 1968
Genre/Series:  Non series novel
Publisher:  Herbert Jenkins
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  True first - US

A Pelican at Blandings
McIlvaine Ref:  A92
First issue date:  September 1969
Genre/Series:  Blandings novel
Publisher:  Herbert Jenkins
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  No Nudes is Good Nudes True first - UK

The Girl in Blue
McIlvaine Ref:  A93
First issue date:  October 1970
Genre/Series:  Non series novel
Publisher:  Barrie and Jenkins
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  True first - UK

Much Obliged, Jeeves
McIlvaine Ref:  A94
First issue date:  October 1971
Genre/Series:  Wooster, Jeeves novel
Publisher:  Barrie and Jenkins
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  Jeeves and the Tie that Binds True first - UK

Pearls, Girls and Monty Bodkin
McIlvaine Ref:  A95
First issue date:  October 1972
Genre/Series:  Monty Bodkin novel
Publisher:  Barrie and Jenkins
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  The Plot that Thickened True first - UK

Bachelors Anonymous
McIlvaine Ref:  A96
First issue date:  October 1973
Genre/Series:  Monty Bodkin Novel
Publisher:  Barrie and Jenkins
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  True first - UK

Aunts aren't Gentlemen
McIlvaine Ref:  A97
First issue date:  October 1974
Genre/Series:  Wooster, Jeeves novel
Publisher:  Barrie and Jenkins
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  The Catnappers True first - UK

McIlvaine Ref:  A98
First issue date:  April 1975
Genre/Series:  Short story
Publisher:  Alan Salisbury, Kingweston, Somerset
Notes:  Privately published original version of the short story first published Strand Magazine (1931) and which appeared in different form in Mulliner Nights (1933)
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  No US title known True first - UK

Sunset at Blandings
McIlvaine Ref:  A100
First issue date:  November 1977
Genre/Series:  Blandings novel
Publisher:  Chatto and Windus
McIlvaine addenda:  Coronet, London, 1980, paperback, 214pp [iv] ads., in text line drawings by Ionicus, pictorial wrappers by Ionicus, a subsequent issue to A100a.3
US Title (If different):  True first - UK

Sir Agravaine
McIlvaine Ref:  A102
First issue date:  October 1984
Genre/Series:  Short story
Publisher:  Blandford Press, Poole, Dorset
Notes:  First published in The Man Upstairs (1914)
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  No US title known True first - UK

Collected/omnibus editions

Jeeves Omnibus
McIlvaine Ref:  B1
First issue date:  October 1931
Genre/Series:  Omnibus, Wooster, Jeeves short stories
Publisher:  Herbert Jenkins
Notes:  31 Jeeves stories. With additional material became 'The World of Jeeves', 1967 (UK), published in two parts in US 1973
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  No US title known True first - UK

P. G. Wodehouse
McIlvaine Ref:  B3
First issue date:  February 1934
Genre/Series:  Omnibus, Short stories
Publisher:  Methuen, London
Notes:  In Methuen's 'Library of Humour' - previously published short stories
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  No US title known True first - UK

A Century of Humour
McIlvaine Ref:  B4
First issue date:  September 1934
Genre/Series:  Omnibus, Preface and 1 Wodehouse story
Publisher:  Hutchinson
Notes:  Editor and contributor of one story
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  No US title known True first - UK

Mulliner Omnibus
McIlvaine Ref:  B5
First issue date:  October 1935
Genre/Series:  Omnibus, Short stories
Publisher:  Herbert Jenkins
Notes:  32 Mr Mulliner stories - with additional material became 'The World of Mr Mulliner', 1972 (UK), no US title until 1974
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  No US title known True first - UK

Week-End Wodehouse
McIlvaine Ref:  B6
First issue date:  May 1939
Genre/Series:  Omnibus, Short stories
Publisher:  Herbert Jenkins
McIlvaine addenda:  Herbert Jenkins, London, 1953, reprint, 431pp, numerous in text line drawings by 'Kerr', dark green cloth lettered in gilt in gilt panel at spine, facsimile gilt signature upper bd., top edge col'd, uniform with the Autograph edn., col'd pictorial dw (as first edn.), a collection of short stories and extracts from novels, almost completely different from the US edition of the same title, not in McIlvaine but an issue after B6b.3
US Title (If different):  The Week-End Wodehouse (different content) True first - US

The Week-End Book of Humour
McIlvaine Ref:  B10
First issue date:  February 1954
Genre/Series:  Omnibus, Intro and 1 Wodehouse story
Publisher:  Herbert Jenkins
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  True first - US

The World of Jeeves
McIlvaine Ref:  see B1, 1931
First issue date:  July 1967
Genre/Series:  Omnibus, Short stories
Publisher:  Herbert Jenkins
Notes:  Contents of Jeeves Omnibus (31 stories - 1931) plus 3 additional Jeeves stories - (US edition in 2 volumes)
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  and All About Jeeves True first - UK

A Carnival of Modern Humour
McIlvaine Ref:  B13
First issue date:  September 1968
Genre/Series:  Omnibus, Intro and 1 Wodehouse story
Publisher:  Herbert Jenkins
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  True first - US

The World of Mr. Mulliner
McIlvaine Ref:  see B5, 1935
First issue date:  June 1972
Genre/Series:  Omnibus, Mulliner short stories
Publisher:  Herbert Jenkins
Notes:  Contents of Mulliner Omnibus (1935) plus 10 additional Mulliner stories
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  True first - UK

The Golf Omnibus
McIlvaine Ref:  B14
First issue date:  April 1973
Genre/Series:  Omnibus, Oldest Member golf short stories
Publisher:  Barrie and Jenkins
Notes:  Reprinted by Hutchinson 1980 et seq.
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  Same

The World of Psmith
McIlvaine Ref:  B15
First issue date:  April 1974
Genre/Series:  Omnibus, Mike and Psmith, Psmith in the City, Psmith Journalist and Leave it to Psmith
Publisher:  Barrie and Jenkins
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  No US title known True first - UK

The World of Ukridge
McIlvaine Ref:  B16
First issue date:  October 1975
Genre/Series:  Omnibus, Ukridge plus 9 Ukridge short stories
Publisher:  Barrie and Jenkins
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  No US title known True first - UK

The World of Blandings
McIlvaine Ref:  B17
First issue date:  March 1976
Genre/Series:  Omnibus, Something Fresh, Summer Lightning and 3 short stories
Publisher:  Barrie and Jenkins
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  No US title known True first - UK

Vintage Wodehouse
McIlvaine Ref:  B19
First issue date:  November 1978
Genre/Series:  Omnibus, Short stories plus German broadcasts
Publisher:  Barrie and Jenkins
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  No US title known True first - UK

Life at Blandings
McIlvaine Ref:  B21
First issue date:  December 1979
Genre/Series:  Omnibus, Something Fresh, Summer Lightning, Heavy Weather
Publisher:  Penguin
Notes:  Paperback
McIlvaine addenda:  The same collection published as 'The Blandings Omnibus', Hutchinson, London, 1996, 1st thus, 567pp, black cloth lettered in gilt at spine, pictorial dw by Robert Norrington. This collection of the three titles was first published as 'Life at Blandings' by Penguin, 1979, McIlvaine B21a, but the copyright page of this Hutchinson edition states 'Copyright In this collection .... 1996', issue not listed in McIlvaine.
US Title (If different):  No US title known True first - UK

Wodehouse on Wodehouse
McIlvaine Ref:  B22
First issue date:  November 1980
Genre/Series:  Omnibus, Bring on the Girls, Performing Flea, Over Seventy
Publisher:  Hutchinson
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  No US title known True first - UK

Life with Jeeves
McIlvaine Ref:  B24
First issue date:  1981
Genre/Series:  Omnibus, Right Ho Jeeves, The Inimitable Jeeves, Very Good Jeeves
Publisher:  Penguin
Notes:  Paperback
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  No US title known True first - UK

Tales from the Drones Club
McIlvaine Ref:  B25
First issue date:  September 1982
Genre/Series:  Omnibus, short stories
Publisher:  Hutchinson
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  No US title known True first - UK

Four Plays
McIlvaine Ref:  B27
First issue date:  August 1983
Genre/Series:  Omnibus, The Play's the Thing, Good Morning Bill, Leave it to Psmith, Come On Jeeves
Publisher:  Methuen
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  No US title known True first - UK

The World of Uncle Fred
McIlvaine Ref:  B28
First issue date:  August 1983
Genre/Series:  Omnibus, Short story Uncle Fred Flits By, novels Uncle Fred in the Springtime, Uncle Dynamite, Cocktail Time
Publisher:  Hutchinson
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  No US title known True first - UK

Wodehouse Nuggets
McIlvaine Ref:  B30
First issue date:  October 1983
Genre/Series:  Previously unpublished (in book form) articles
Publisher:  Hutchinson
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  True first - UK

The World of Wodehouse Clergy
McIlvaine Ref:  B31
First issue date:  June 1984
Genre/Series:  Omnibus, Short stories
Publisher:  Hutchinson
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  No US title known True first - UK

Short Stories
McIlvaine Ref:  B32
First issue date:  April 1985
Genre/Series:  Omnibus, Short stories
Publisher:  Folio Society
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  No US title known True first - UK

The Hollywood Omnibus
McIlvaine Ref:  B33
First issue date:  May 1985
Genre/Series:  Omnibus, Short stories
Publisher:  Hutchinson
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  No US title known True first - UK

The Pothunters and other School Stories
McIlvaine Ref:  B35
First issue date:  January 1986
Genre/Series:  Omnibus, The Pothunters, A Prefects Uncle, Tales of St. Austin's
Publisher:  Penguin
Notes:  Paperback
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  No US title known True first - UK

The Gold Bat and Other Stories
McIlvaine Ref:  B36
First issue date:  March 1986
Genre/Series:  Omnibus, The Gold Bat, The Head of Kay's, The White Feather
Publisher:  Penguin
Notes:  Paperback
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  No US title known True first - UK

Imperial Blandings
McIlvaine Ref:  None
First issue date:  1992
Genre/Series:  Omnibus of: Full Moon, Pigs Have Wings, Service With a Smile
Publisher:  Penguin
Notes:  Paperback
McIlvaine addenda:  Penguin, Harmondsworth, 1992, 1st thus, (issue series: 1 3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4 2, ISBN 0-14-017359-5), trade paperback, 564pp [iv] ads. (1 blank), col'd pictorial wrappers by Chris Riddell, an omnibus of the Empress of Blandings books, not in McIlvaine,
US Title (If different):  No US title known True first - UK

The Blandings Omnibus
McIlvaine Ref:  see B21
First issue date:  1996
Genre/Series:  Omnibus, Something Fresh, Summer Lightning, Heavy Weather
Publisher:  Hutchinson
Notes:  See 'Life at Blandings', 1979
McIlvaine addenda: 
US Title (If different):  No US title known

end of list: